7 Things About Tel Akko That Will Shock You!
No, this is not Buzzfeed. Clickbait title aside, in this blog I’m going to delve into some of the things about the field school at Tel Akko that I wasn’t expecting. 1.Dirt. Is. EVERYWHERE. Yes, I’m quite aware that being an archaeologist means getting down and dirty, but when you close your mouth and…
Studying conservation in old Akko
Studying conservation in old Akko One of the benefits to students here in Akko, is the many opportunities to learn something completely different – something they would never normally have access to at home. Stonemasonry, as it is used in the restoration of an ancient city like Akko, is one such thing. Saleem Amer…
Second Week Finds
Second Week Finds After +- 2,700 years this little figurine emerged into the sunshine on tel Akko once again. Experts have yet to confirm, but the initial thoughts are that she may be Phoenician or Persian. On the left you can see her as she was when she was found, and on the right you…
Potsherd Hill – Tel Akko
Potsherd Hill - Tel Akko Excavation The 2018 Season on Tel Akko is now in full swing. Every morning the staff and students are on the tel and excavating by 5.45am. The quantity and quality of the pottery finds are outstanding, and this is what gives our experts the clues they need to read the…